Get a pitch deck that actually impresses investors.

Get help from the UKs #1 pitch deck experts now.
We research, write & design pitch decks

We are the pitch deck experts. We work with start-up & growth stage founders, entrepreneurs & businesses who either don't have a pitch deck yet, or have one that isn't performing.

We ensure that you:
✔ Book more investor meetings
✔ Tell a compelling investment story
✔ Focus on metrics investors care about
✔ Save time and stress
✔ Avoid pitch deck missteps

Building an effective pitch deck is a mix of art, science and experience. It's our job to help you tell the right story in an ultra-competitive fundraising market.

Whether you are getting ready to raise a pre-seed, seed or series A funding round, our expert 4-step pitch deck consulting process is designed to be simple, stress free and result in a world-class, Sequoia model pitch deck:

Which fixed-price package is best for you?

Most clients are well served by our Gold Package (which includes bespoke graphic design within your brand guidelines and help getting your financials right). Our Silver Package is a budget friendly option that uses one of our existing design templates.




12-14 slide Sequoia model pitch deck content 12-14 slide Sequoia model pitch deck 20-25 slide enterprise-level pitch deck
Designed For: You have an existing graphic designer Raising £250k to £10 million Raising above £10 million
Price: £2,350 +vat £3,100 +vat Contact us
What's included:
 Discovery Workshop:
 Strategy Development:
 Investor Narrative:
 Market Research:
 Content Writing:
 Bespoke Graphic Design: Template only
 Financial Forecasts
(3-Year P&L EBITDA):
 Use of Funds & Exit:
 Investor List Access:
 Enterprise Team Management:
Order now Order now Contact us

Need help?
Call us on 0207 271 2407, request a call back or email

Transparent pricing:
50% deposit to get started, 50% on completion.

You work directly with the expert

Every client works directly with our Managing Director. We're a small team and you can count on frank, straightforward advice throughout.

Feedback is a breeze after each draft

Our PitchBuilder staging platform makes it easy for us to share each draft with you, and get collaborative feedback from your entire team.

A track record of 500+ happy clients, supporting £600 million in funding rounds

We have helped hundreds of clients across most industries and are sector agnostic (the principles of building an effective pitch deck are universal, regardless of industry). Most of our clients come from tech (AI/ML, SaaS, FinTech, DTC, renewable energy), consumer/retail, hospitality, professional services and property.

of our work:

Anonymised projects:


Raising £10 million


Raising £1m

AI &

Raising £650,000

Travel App

Raising £300,000

Our clients raise from angels, venture capital funds and banks in the UK, US, Europe and Middle East:

JamJar - Pitch Deck Consultants
Fuel Ventures - Pitch Deck Consultant
British Growth Fund - Pitch Deck Consultant
Goldman Sachs Pitch Deck Consultant
Seedrs Crowdfunding - Pitch Deck Consultant
Natwest - Pitch Deck Consultant - PItchBuilder
SFC Capital - Pitch Deck Consulting - PItchBuilder
HSBC - Pitch Deck Consulting - PItchBuilder

Exceptional feedback from our clients:

"We're really impressed with what you've done!"

Jack B.,

Deeptech/AI CEO (Y Combinator)

"Some fantastic feedback and meetings booked off the back of your deck, very happy."

James A.,

FinTech CEO

"This is one of the highest quality pitch decks I've ever seen. Really very impressive."

Partner @ $62 billion AUM hedgefund

"I had my meeting this morning which went well. He liked the deck! He actually thought £10M may be too low a valuation."


Retail/DTC CEO


It's a work of art!


Fitness Entrepreneur

"Thanks very much for all your help, we would definitely use you again and I will be recommending you to others"

Ashley M.,


Can we help? Need advice?

Call us on 0207 271 2407, email us at, or request a callback below:

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Frequently Asked Questions:

We create your pitch deck from start to finish. This typically includes written content, market/competitor research, design, investor strategy, financials, unit economics and more.

You'll work directly with Jay Dickieson, our Managing Director.

All of our pitch decks are editable using Microsoft PowerPoint so you can easily make changes. You can expect to receive a PDF and PPTX file at the end of the project.

In our kick-off workshop (via Zoom), we'll identify exactly what we'll need from you.

The specific list varies by client.

As guidance, we might ask you for:
1. Images of your product
2. Links to your website and social media
3. Financial forecasts (or historical financials)
4. Your sales pipeline
5. Your brand guidelines
6. A CV or Linkedin profile for your senior team / advisors

Yes - of course. We will share a number of drafts with you, and iterate after each review session.

We have a digital collaboration tool so anyone can easily add comments on each draft.

A typical client takes about 2-3 drafts to get to the final product. Some projects take a few more, some a few less.

We encourage you to review the draft with advisors, stakeholders, co-founders and team members to ensure we get the widest possible feedback.

Yes - of course. Our HQ is in Central London and our team are all based in the UK. This means everyone working on your deck actually understands the UK fundraising ecosystem.

You should budget about 30 days for the project.

  • The first step is our kick-off workshop.
  • Once we receive your 50% deposit, your project goes into our schedule.
  • We aim to deliver a first draft in 10-12 business days.

Most clients take about a week to review the first draft, then we are able to quickly iterate changes (an average client takes 2 to 3 drafts).

The Sequoia model is the gold standard framework for building a pitch deck. In our experience, it provides everything a prospective investor expects to see in the most succinct way possible. You can read more about the Sequoia pitch deck template, here.

We'd recommend using our 2024 Investor List to search for investors and apply directly. You can view it here.

Pitch Deck Consultants

We are the UKs #1 pitch deck pitch deck consultants, with £500m in experience across more than 600 clients on pre-seed, seed, series A and growth funding rounds. Our clients typically hire us when:

  • You have launched an MVP (or are about to launch) and have traction in the market, and need a Seed, Series A or Series B round.

  • You have traction in the UK and need capital to expand into a new country or territory. 

  • You have a business model that works and need capital to increase customer acquisition and / or marketing.

  • You have an idea or concept and need help developing it into a pre-seed concept you can pitch to investors. 

  • You have an existing, successful business with a customer base and need capital to grow more quickly.

  • Your industry is going through a period of change or consolidation, and you need to increase the pace of growth.

  • You want to enter a new market or launch a new product, and need additional capital to finance it.

  • You are thinking about exiting the business and want to maximise shareholder value in the medium to long term.