What are TAM, SAM and SOM?

TAM, SAM, and SOM are acronyms used in marketing and business to represent different components of a market.
TAM, or Total Available Market, refers to the total size of a market in terms of revenue or unit sales. It represents the maximum potential demand for a product or service in a particular market.
SAM, or Serviceable Available Market, is a subset of TAM and refers to the portion of the market that a company can effectively target or serve with its products or services.
- SOM, or Serviceable Obtainable Market, is a subset of SAM and represents the portion of the market that a company can realistically expect to capture with its current resources and capabilities. It is the market share that a company can realistically achieve.
Marketing and business professionals often use TAM, SAM, and SOM to assess the potential size and scope of a market, and to develop strategies for targeting and capturing market share.
If you need help with your business plan or pitch deck, or just getting your TAM, SAM and SOM right, reach out to the experts at PitchBuilder.